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Please fill in the form below, giving as much detail as possible to ensure we find you the right puppy. All forms not filled in in detail will not be taken into consideration.

Email :
Preferred Contact Number:
About your family and lifestyle. Please give as much detail as possible:
Working hours/status. How often will the puppy/dog be left at home alone? (if working full time (9-5) please state what you will put in place during the day for your puppy (dogsitter, home at lunch?...):
Do you have other pets? What and how many?
Please can you confirm that you are not looking for a breeding dog? Our dogs are PETS ONLY and must never be used for breeding:
Please give any other details about what kind of puppy/dog you are looking for. (Size, breed, colour, M/F...) Please state if you have allergies:
Why have you chosen a Goldendoodle and why have you chosen Rinane Goldendoodles?
If you are looking at getting a doodle as a working dog please state what for and what circumstance:

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